Writing Tips

Compare Contrast Thesis Must be Unbiased

Table of contents

    Objects being compared must have Things in Common, yet be Different

    Comparing and contrasting is a way of logical thinking we use for our day to day living. Which college to join, which course to follow or what type of car to buy are serious decisions we make. To arrive at a decision we have to compare and contrast. That also must have some frames of reference. For example main criterion for a young adult in the selection a car may be its performance. Yet some other person may give a higher value for the fuel economy. In writing a compare contrast thesis also this same type of logical thinking has to be applied.

    Select the Topic Wisely

    The topic for the compare contrast thesis must contain two objects, maybe two books, two authors or two processes. These two must be connected to each other in someway, something in common or a similarity. Then you need a frame of reference on which you compare and contrast the two things. Thesis statement must be the point you intend to prove based on the frame of reference and the comparisons and the contrasts you make. For instance, “Compare, contrast Chemical and Biological pest control methods” would be a good topic on which a strong thesis statement can be developed and a good thesis can be written.

    Researching and Organizing Data

    It is necessary to identify the similarities and the differences and ordering them on priority and relevance with respect to your frame of reference. There are two commonly used methods for facilitating the comparison and contrasting. First method is to make a table listing similarities and differences side by side. Second method uses a Venn diagram showing the common traits in the intersection or overlapping area and differences in exclusion areas. On a table or a Venn diagram the differences and similarities stand out clearly and you can select them prioritizing.

    Structure of the Essay

    Just as in any other essay, introduction comes first of all and must present background information and your thesis statement. The other parts of thesis are slightly different in the way they are presented. The main body must contain the comparisons and the contrasts you use to prove your thesis. Only a few most relevant points to compare and contrast must be used even though you may find a long list of points to compare and contrast. Two methods are in use to write compare, contrast theses. In the block method all the details of one object is presented and then proceed to present all the details on the other object. In this method the paper may look like two separate theses. In alternating method of writing one compare/contrast point on both the objects is discussed, and then proceed to the next points. This method has the disadvantage of confusing the issues at hand. This can be remedied to some extent by strictly obeying the order of comparison or contrast.

    How to Conclude the Compare Contrast Essay

    Conclusion of the compare contrast thesis is slightly different from other theses. Conclusion should restate the comparisons and contrasts in summary form and the thesis statement you wanted to prove with a convincing tone. It is true that compare contrast thesis is a difficult assignment. Don’t worry. You can get thesis help from a professional writing service.

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