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How To Write A Narrative Essay

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    Understanding Narrative Writing

    Writing is a powerful way of conveying one’s thoughts. It allows the writer to reach out to many people through his words and influence their thinking. This is the reason why, even in today’s digital age, with many sources of information, writing has continued to hold its ground. In fact, the widespread of the internet and display devices has only increased the significance of writing. There are various types of article writing.

    These are classified on the basis of the things to be achieved from the article. On this basis, article writing is classified into technical, report, narrative and so on. Narrative writing is one of the most important and easy to understand form of writing. Narrative essay often gives precedence over other writing types in magazines and newspapers. It involves writing about one’s experiences in an interesting manner. In this form of writing, the writer tells the readers about his life experiences and the things he learned from it. It could be a funny write up or a serious lesson learned through the happenings in one’s life.

    Due to tits matter and the way of presenting, narrative writing can be fun and influential. Narrative essays can be powerful to change or make opinions about a particular thing by watching it through the reader’s eyes. An account of a certain entity from an influential person can be very important for people to form a perception about it. Hence the writer should be cautious while expressing himself. It is important to mention an exhaustive view of an experience and keep the article interesting from the reader’s point of view. It is also important to choose the right topic for the article. Articles are often prejudged by the topic. There are various good narrative essay topics. A current topic is always enticing as readers are curious to find out about it. It also gives the article a fresh feel and the writer has lots to write about it. A travel related or a general experience of the writer about a particular place or an incident is all good topics for narrative essays.

    Before writing, the writer should collect all the essential information which he needs to write about. It is also a good idea to add a background of the main theme to make it interesting for the readers. Instead of just writing about the topic, the writer can add his two cents at the end of it. One can talk about a lesson learned, if any, from the experience and how he felt at the end of it. To make a story interesting, the writer can add some fun bits but the essence of the article should not be altered in the process. It is also essential to build the article as it progresses in order to keep the interest of the readers intact. One does not need to be precise and short, but the undue elongation of the article is not advisable. The writer should capture the imagination of the readers and give them an interesting article to enjoy.

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