Essay Samples

Scope of Depression in the Human Brain

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    The Nature of Biology in the Scope of Depression in the Human Brain

    This paper will discuss the nature of biology in the scope of depression in the human brain. By researching how this type of chemical process is illuminated in the idea of clinical depression, we can learn much about this affects the psychological perspectives involved. With all of these aspects to create a more conducive argument for depression, we can learn that much of the elements of depression can be seen in this type of scientific format. In this paper, a series of different ways that biology can be associated with psychological reactions will be covered to prove this point.

    In one way that biology can be explained in the field of psychology today, we can learn just how the cells of the brain function within a capacity to be influenced by electrical currents, as well as the chemical make up the brain when discussing depression in the human scope. By learning about the brain we can see how electrical currents, with such treatments for depression as shock therapy, seem to have some influence on the biological elements of cell structure that so influence the synapses that occur within the brain. As Karen Wright writes:

    “Shock therapy requires powerful currents in order to penetrate the relatively nonconducting bone of the skull. But weaker currents can be used in TMS because the skull puts up no resistance to magnetic fields. A paddle containing a coiled wire is held close to the head, and an electrical current passed through the wire generates a magnetic field. Where the magnetic field meets brain tissue, it creates an electrical pulse that scrambles nerve signals, causing a kind of blackout in the region of the brain just beneath the paddle. A single pulse causes nearby nerve cells to fire; if the pulses are rapidly repeated, a kind of blackout ensues, scrambling neural activity for some time after treatment. These disruptions aren't evident to subjects. (Wright Article)

    What this tells us is that the brain is made of up of a series of chemical reactors that are being influenced in this manner, and the result is that the brain is a chemical process, which, in turn is made to react by this type of outward stimulus in their activity. By learning this objective we can see how the biological elements of the brain are an inner scope of cell reactions, which are laced in the organization of neural transmitters. This creates the manipulation, which we have seen here, in the type of influence this sort of physiological process involves. So, not only is the depression of a person influenced in a psychological way, but the biological factors that lie within the brain can also help us to understand how different treatments, such as shock therapy, are essential to understand the idea of biology being a part of depression.

    The biological elements of the brain can tell us much about the way that depression plays a part in the way many people seek relief from the hardships in their life, rather than seek out the other options of therapy or outward practices of psychology to influence environment. Andrw Carson, relates, in the case of drug addictions, that:

    “If there do turn out to be clear relationships between personal orientation (interest type) and drug preference, then there may also exist some direct relationship between the underlying neurological substrate through which interests become activated and the psychoactive mechanisms through which particular drugs achieve their psychoactive effects. For example, if ecstasy does indeed achieve its psychoactive effects by boosting the availability of the neurotransmitter serotonin, and if Social people tend (more than other orientations) tend to prefer ecstasy, then Social interests (or at least social interests for individuals for whom those interests are dominant) may have something going on with their serotonin system.” (Carson Article)

    This shows a clear biological reference to the way that the biology of the brain, can be affective in determining the way that people think in a given type of addiction and/or depressed state. Carson continues to tell us that,

    “We do know that Social people are at greater risk for experiencing clinical depression (see Lowman, 1997), and that drugs that serve to block reuptake of serotonin (such as Prozac) serve to lessen the symptoms of depression. It may be that Social individuals tend to prefer ecstasy because the drug, like Prozac, tends to create for themselves a serotonin-rich neurotransmitter environment that serves to hold symptoms of depression in abeyance, at least temporarily” (Carson Article)

    In this article, it is clear that a connection is being made to the chemical and biological reactions to certain depression outlets, such as taking drugs, can play a large part in the way that biology structures the reactions of people in a given environment. By knowing this, we have the basis for understanding the rudimentary procedures of the brain, and the influential affect they have on the way that depression can be diagnosed in this manner.

    In the way that women who are going through post-mortum stress disorder, and the depression that follows, we can see how this also shows some of the biological elements that are part of the way that physiological elements play into depression. Wisner Stow writes:

    “The clustering of mood-disorder episodes after birth compels a search for factors particularly potent during childbearing. In this article, the complex relationships between the dynamic postbirth physiological environment and mood disorder are discussed. Available studies show a lack of evidence that serum levels of gonadal hormones account for mood disturbance in women. However, substantial amounts of data demonstrate their ability to modulate other neuroendocrine systems. Alterations in hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis function attributable to childbearing show remarkable similarity to those observed in depressed women. Postpartum women are also at increased risk for hypothalamic- pituitary-thyroidal (HPT) axis dysfunction that may increase affectivedisorder vulnerability. A decreased rate of postpartum recovery of HPA- and HPT-axis function may play a more central role than cross-sectional measures. Understanding the etiology of postpartum mood disorders will require integration of multiple psychosocial and biological risk factors. Further research is critically needed.” (Stowe Article)

    The obvious connections between the physical proportions of the female body seem to show us how the depression in the women, after such an event, would likely be a cause for seeking out a biological answer to this type of depression. This not only points out the specific body parts that are part of the problem, but show us how the female can be used to react to the chemical agents that interact in creating these types of mood disorders in a depression scaled behavior process. This is the basis for understanding, once again, how biological functions play a part in the make up of the psychology of a person who may be depressed, and can, perhaps, give us some answers as to how this can be helped in the future.

    On the same topic that women can cover to understand how biology of the body is important in understanding psychology, we can see how the diet of a human being can be made to help solve depression problems, and thus answering some of the connections of how biology creates depression. Sue Gilbert tell us that,

    “If it sometimes seems that food is the only thing that will make you feel better, it's not just in your head. Food does affect your mood, and what you eat — and when — can impact depression. If you're trying to beat the blues, here's how the Depression Relief Diet can help:

    • Sugar and caffeine give you a quick lift — but can leave you feeling down when their effects wear off. This meal plan reduces sugar and caffeine intake because feelings of depression often improve when their consumption is minimized.” (Gilbert Article)

    With these such examples, we can learn from people qualified that the biology of the human being a certainly a part, especially in the diet of a person, how biology can be brought into the solution for depression in psychology. It serves as a factor that cannot be ignored when diagnosing the problems that may arise in a patient, or in a person that may be depressed.

    In conclusion, we can see who biology is a part of the reason why people can become depressed. By learning these agents of depression, by all of the examples shown above, the essential part of the function of the brain seems to be connected to a series of problems that may arise in the cerebral functions themselves, rather than some of the more behaviorally focused subjects in mind. By realizing this connection, perhaps a part of the puzzle of depression may be answered in the way that human beings can learn to see these parts of the human biology, and not separate the many parts of this type of function in the scope of depression. Also, you can offer dissertation help from our Ph.D. experts


    • Carson, Andrew, Phd., Applying Holland's Theory to Drug Preferences, Vocational Psychology, Website:
    • Gilbert, Sue, Depression Relief Diet,, Website:,11299,166183_412896,0 0.html
    • Stowe, Wisner, Psychobiology of postpartum mood disorders, PubMed Article, Website:
    • Wright, Karen, Brain Rx: Magnets: It seems like voodoo, but altering electrical currents in the brain may help treat depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease, DISCOVER Vol. 22 No. 11 (November 2001) Website:

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