Writing Topics

Property Dissertation Topics

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    Completing a degree can never be done without writing a dissertation – and doing it is not at all an easy task. Aside from the trouble of formulating a hypothesis or drawing up a discussion that strictly has to be academic, there is that initial problem of getting a topic and working on it. Is the topic intelligible? Is it worth deliberating upon? Will it be interesting? These are just some of the questions that one considers when choosing the right dissertation topic.

    For those who are fascinated in the world of real estate and would want to focus their paper on such topic, here are some property dissertation topics that you may use. These topics range from the history of real estate to the legal issues that one should take note of in the world of properties. After choosing among these property dissertation topics, you will surely be on the way to complete that part of degree!

    1. The history and progress of real estate business.
    2. Common factors that affect buying behavior.
    3. The social and economic differences between commercial and residential properties.
    4. The geographic location as an indicator of property development.
    5. The current tenant-landlord situation.
    6. Affordable housing and its economic and social importance.
    7. Laws on property and its practicality.
    8. Suburban vs. urban living: the thick line of distinction.
    9. Establishments and institutions as factors in property purchases.
    10. Higher property value with better neighbors.
    11. Comparison of property owners: Married vs. Unmarried Couples.
    12. The necessary and sought-of insurance policies in properties.
    13. Property buying and mortgage and loans.
    14. Build or buy: the practical difference in properties.
    15. Public housing and urban policies.

    These property dissertation topics are both general and specific so you can always play around the topics. If not burdensome for the author, it will also be a good idea to correlate the subject of property with other fields to have a more stimulating dissertation. For instance, the topic of public housing and urban policies does not just work around the field of property but it also deals with social laws. However, if one decides to have a related or a sub-topic, they may feel free to do so but you must avoid drifting away from the issue itself – for after all, every research topic should be focused, distinct and clear.

    When it comes to property dissertation topics, as well as in other research topics, one should always consider the feasibility of the paper. Is the topic researchable? Will the author of the paper have enough resources to support the dissertation? And most essentially, it is not enough that the topic is interesting itself, it must also be interesting for the writer! It is very vital that the topic should have something close to the writer’s heart to decrease the burden of writing a dissertation by PhDify.com.

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