Writing Tips

How to Write a Presentation

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    In present days, for a successful performance, it's not enough just to tell about your idea. Listeners surely want to see photographs, clearly executed schemes, competent drawings or video about the problem. But inept use of presentations in public speeches is certainly potentially dangerous for the psychological and emotional state of audience.

    When preparing a presentation, a person usually has a lot of scattered material, statistics, complex tables and diagrams. It seems if you include all this in the presentation, it will become clear to everyone that you are a real professional. This is not true. A good presentation is, firstly, an intelligible presentation of your thoughts. Here are some tips for not losing your face.

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    Writing a presentation proposal. It should be specific enough to finally offer a solution to the problem. Narrow the subject until the presentation can be summarized in ten short paragraphs.

    Define the goal. To formulate it, continue the phrase: “I want to…” And further, describe what should happen to the listeners as a result of your speech. The goal does not need to be ambitious, more important are concrete details.

    Consider the scenario. The purpose of the presentation is what you want to change in the head of the listener, and the script is how you will come to them. From the first slide, the viewer should understand what exactly he/she will receive or find out (for example, how to spend the salary, so that everything will suffice). Then create a motivation for the person not to leave after the second slide. For example, outline the benefit of your speech: “You will learn how to save 20% of your salary, not denying yourself anything.”

    Show examples of using your product or idea. Real human stories and live photos look more convincing than dry text. Pictures should be those images that will remain in the memory of the audience and enhance the contents of your performance.

    Strip slides and text information. 30 slides of concise text look visually boring. But 30 creative slides are capable of exploding the brain. A well-written presentation must be balanced. Remember, one slide is one thought.

    Design matters. In the presentation, it is possible to use 1-2 basic colors for background, text, and icons. Give preference to fonts that are easy to read from a distance, such as Open Sans, Roboto, PT Sans. Use the rule of thirds for the correct location of objects on the slide, so that the eye immediately highlights the most important. Divide the slide one-third along and across. Significant objects, i.e. headings and illustrations, should be located at the intersections.

    Companies offer a lot of tools for creating presentations. A classic editor is PowerPoint. It is an easy-to-learn and very powerful program for attractive presentations that meet any requirements. The PowerPoint presentation examples can be very diverse: report, demonstration of a movie or photographs, an exhibition or even a theatrical performance. All depends on the imagination and skills of the author.

    Formulate a presentation outline. The bad performance ends like this: “That's all, now questions.” A good presentation gives clear instructions on what to do next. You can emphasize the main thesis or advice where to get additional information on the problem examined.

    Thus, creating a presentation is not a useful skill, but also a powerful tool with a long-term effect that helps sell, convince and teach. It is important to remember the presentation is used as one of the instruments for the speech, and not the speech is held to demonstrate the presentation. Therefore, emotional images should be used deliberately to place separate accents and give weight to key arguments.

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